Fantasy Grounds - Disposable Heroes: Superhero Statix Set One (Token Pack) Activation Code >
About This Content Disposable Heroes: SupersFantasy Token PackThese tokens have been organized by genre and product name to make it easy to use multiple token pack modules within your game. Tokens are scaled and organized in the following sizes for medium creatures: 32x32, 50x50, 75x75 and 100x100 pixels. This allows you to use the token quality that best meets your needs.This set contains full-color token representations of superhero figures. Beautifully illustrated by Scott Harshbarger and colored by Joshua Cayne. Two formats are included: full-body figures and top-cropped figures for a larger image.This pack contains tokens for the following characters:Mystery KnightShadow ManFire TosserThe BlasterEye ShockSonixElectric DudeElastic DudeMan of RockPower WomanPower ManComputer PoweredMr. AmericaThe Human ShieldMechano ManThe OlympianThe ShrinkerThe SpeedsterThe ArcherMagisterThe Cloaked DetectiveAlien HeroMs. CyborgSilver SteelRift SurferBeastformerMentiaxeHydroIce DudeThe AvianFantasy Grounds Conversion: Brett M. BernsteinReleased on April 16, 2011. Designed for Fantasy Grounds version 2.9.9 and higher.Requires: An active subscription or a one time purchase of a Fantasy Grounds Full or Ultimate license and any ruleset. 7aa9394dea Title: Fantasy Grounds - Disposable Heroes: Superhero Statix Set One (Token Pack)Genre: Indie, RPG, StrategyDeveloper:SmiteWorks USA, LLCRelease Date: 5 Jul, 2017 Fantasy Grounds - Disposable Heroes: Superhero Statix Set One (Token Pack) Activation Code